
Minecraft: Path of the Elements Prologue pt2

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Literature Text

Prologue - Journey to Garnet town

Mike tried to remember what he had dreamt but all he could remember was drowning in darkness. He sighed as he lay back down in bed, staring at the ceiling. "What was I dreaming last night?" Mike thought. Just as he gets into deep thought he suddenly felt something climbed onto his bed. He sat up and saw a mask staring right at him which made him jump in fright and fell out of his bed. He looked up and saw his little masked friend named Dusk, who happened to be laughing silently.

Dusk was nearly half of Mike's height, around 3'4". He wore very dark gray robes with a mask with three holes on it that represents eyes and a mouth. Somehow he can able to change the expressions on his mask like a real face. His mask also has a crack going from the top to right between the eye holes and a scratch mark on his mask cheek. He also wore a brown belt with a golden buckle and wore blue boots.

Mike rolled as eyes then he yawned. "I thought you would be still sleeping, Dusk" Mike said. "Why are you up?"

Dusk jumped out of the bed and ran to the door to pick up a strange looking box. He walked over to Mike and showed him the box. "Huh? A box?" Mike asked as he took it from Dusk's small hands. "It can't be from the mail Enderman. The box sure is odd looking and it looks like it's been buried under the snow. Dusk did you found this?"

Dusk nodded, pointing at the window. Mike walked over and looked out the window. He saw the small hole in the ground a few feet away from his and Dusk's home. It seems Dusk was digging this morning and found a box buried in the snow.

"Well since you've found it, I guess we might as well open the box and see what's inside" Mike said. He then sat on the bed with Dusk standing next to him. He opened the box and inside was an old letter and a compass. But the compass was not like the other compasses Mike had seen. The compass was made of pure silver, while the inside of compass was pitch black. The needle inside the compass wasn't spinning at all, until Mike shook the compass a little and the needle spun a little, now pointing to the left. The silver compass shines beautifully in the sunlight.

"Shiny, yet it doesn't seem to work" Mike muttered. "The needle seems broken. I guess this compass is worth a lot of money"

Mike then looked at the old note and picked it from the box. "Hmm... An old letter," Mike muttered. "Well, let's see what's written..." Mike began to read the letter out loud so Dusk can hear.

"To anyone who finds this box, I have found a silver compass when the war ended long ago. Turns out the rumors are true. This silver compass is the key of finding the legendary treasure, just like it said in the book. Which means the treasure is somewhere in Garnet town but it may be too late for me for as my adventuring days are over. Though I fear the compass may fall into the wrong hands, I’ve decided to bury this box in the Cold Taiga biome. You may think the silver compass is useless because of the needle but believe me when I wrote this. Bring the silver compass to Garnet town and it’ll lead you to the legendary treasure. I wished you the best of luck. Happy hunting”

“Legendary treasure huh?” Mike muttered. “Whoever left this silver compass wouldn’t want us to miss this chance of finding the legendary treasure. Haven’t been on a treasure hunt since the underwater caverns”

Mike looked over to Dusk who seems to be excited about hunting for treasure. “You seem excited about the legendary treasure huh?” Mike assumed. He then smiled, liking the idea of treasure hunting as well. “Okay then, let’s get our stuff together and head out to Garnet town” Mike suggested. “Although Garnet town is across ocean so who knows how long til we get there, so bring necessary items okay?”

Dusk nodded and hopped off the bed and ran out of Mike’s room to get his stuff. Knowing about Dusk, he would very likely to bring his fishing rod. He was never seen without it. Mike chuckled to himself as he gets up from his bed to get dressed. His current attire was a long sleeved blue shirt and black pants. He opened a small chest and picked his dark blue hoodie with blue shape patterns and red boots and puts them on. Even though the red boots doesn’t match Mike’s clothing but red is his lucky color.

After he put on his hoodie and boots, Mike walked over to the bigger chest and gathered his equipment for the trip to Garnet town. He then picked up his sword and examined it. “The Ice sword,” Mike thought. “It’s been a while since I last use this. But still cold and sharp as ever”

The Ice sword was Mike’s own personal sword. It does seem like a common iron sword but the blade near the handle side was encased in thick ice while the cold mist surrounds the rest of the blade. Mike put his sword into his sheath that was strapped to his back. He then put on his black gloves with red diamond shapes. Mike looked at himself in the mirror, looking at his silver colored eyes. He sighed as he reached for his black ski mask that was lying on the table along with his sunglasses. He put on the mask and then his sunglasses. His face was now hidden.

“With those bounty hunters after me, I can’t risk showing my face to anyone. Even in Garnet town” Mike thought, having the sense of guilt feeling. He can feel the unknown dark energy growing within his heart but Mike shook it off.“Not letting it out again.... not after last time” Mike muttered, ignoring the dark memories of his past.

When he finished packing up his stuff he needed for the trip he walked out of his room and head towards the front door where Dusk was waiting for him. Dusk had the fishing rod resting on his shoulder, knowing that Garnet town was across ocean which means a boat trip. And boat trip means free time to fish. Mike smiled under his mask.

“Looks like you’re ready to go” Mike said. “Did you bring potions with you?”

Dusk nodded. He then opened the front door, already ready for an adventure. Cold wind blew as he and Mike left their house. “We can catch a boat ride in Glacier town’s harbour. It’s not far from here” Mike said to Dusk.

They walked through the snowy forest, making their way to Glacier town. The morning weather seemed to be sunny but would eventually snow later on. The weather in Snow Biomes can be unpredictable. Mike noticed a few snow golems playing around in the snow, throwing snowballs at each other. Mike and Dusk eventually walked into the Snow Plains Biome, seeing Glacier town in a far distance. Fifteen minutes later, they walked past the entrance of Glacier town. The roof of the buildings was covered in snow and ice hanging on the sides of the buildings. Normally most people who lived in Glacier town would stay home to keep warm, only going out to buy food from stores or to mine for materials in nearby caves. But with weather being sunny today, the villagers are outside of their homes, chatting and building snow golems. Mike and Dusk often come to Glacier town to buy a few items from stores or to go fishing so they pretty much know the town like the back of their hands. Sure Glacier town doesn’t have many animals in the Snow Plains biome but a lot of fish swims around the harbour which kept this town afloat.

Mike and Dusk headed to the docks of Glacier town harbour to catch a boat to Garnet town... or see if they have a boat to Garnet town. Mike hoped they do have a boat because he knew it will take several hours, even days to get to Garnet town while the larger, tougher, furnace running boats takes a few hours or so to get there.

“Good morning sirs” the man in his late thirties who was the manager of the port.

“Morning” Mike simply replied. “We need a boat to Garnet town. Is there one available?”

The man stroked his chin, thinking for a moment. “Garnet town eh? Well one had just arrived” He replied “Take the boat to the far end of the dock”

“Thank you” Mike said. He and Dusk then headed to the far end of the dock. He saw the boat that was larger than the small wooden boats, big enough for several passengers to fit in. Mike then saw someone leaving the boat. But he couldn’t get a look at of the strange man’s face because he was wearing a black hooded cloak that covers most of the man’s body. Only his dark red boots can be seem in a light of day. As he walked, the strange man turned his attention to Mike and Dusk who was staring at him.

“Hmm... Are you two heading for Garnet town?” The hooded man asked. Mike nodded without saying a word. “I see... then perhaps you could help me with something” He muttered. “You see I...Umm...Never mind. Forget what I said. Sorry if I’m wasting yours and the little guy’s time. Enjoy your trip to Garnet town”

The hooded man carried on walking, leaving the docks. Mike was confused having no idea what that stranger was trying to say. “What was all that about?” Mike asked. Dusk only shrugged. He’s just as confused as Mike.

Mike and Dusk walked to the end of the dock and climbed onto the boat. The captain named Mihai walked over to the two passengers. “Welcome aboard sirs! The trip to Garnet town will take a few hours or so” Captain Mihai said. “Oh and the trip will cost a small fee”

Mike and Dusk handed over few silver coins to Captain Mihai. “Thank you. We’ll depart right away” the captain said as he head over to the furnace to chuck several coal in it to start it up. Mike head inside the cabin and sat on the edge of the bed while Dusk had already started fishing by tossing the bobber into the cold ocean. Five minutes later, the boat had pulled out of the port. Mike opened the window, letting the fresh air into the cabin. He took one last look at Glacier town, knowing he won’t be seeing it again in a while.

Taking a short nap was impossible. Mike and Dusk had left Glacier town a few hours ago. There nothing much to do on the boat except for taking a nap which was impossible due to the waves rocking the boat. Mike walked out of the cabin and decided to watch Dusk catching some fish. He noticed a bucket next to Dusk was half-full of fish. Some of the fish were puffer fish which can be used for potion making. Dusk reeled in another fish from the ocean and dumps the fish into the bucket. “Dusk is a very skilled fisher” Mike thought.

Suddenly a sound of splashing had caught Mike’s attention. He turned towards the sound and saw what he didn’t expect to see. A silhouette of a girl with a tail jumped out of the ocean and dived back in. Mike’s eyes widened in shock unable to believe what he had seen. “Was that... a mermaid?” Mike thought. “...No, it couldn’t be. I must be seeing things” Mike turned his attention to Dusk and watched him fish. "So what kind of treasure do you think it'll be, Dusk? Hoard of diamonds maybe?" Mike asked. Dusk replied with a shrug without looking at Mike, since he's focused on the bobber.

“Look alive passengers! If you look ahead, you can see Garnet town in a distance” Captain Mihai said. At first all Mike saw was what look like a blur but as his eyes focused, he could make out the buildings. “So that’s Garnet town, where the legendary treasure sleeps” Mike thought. From this distance, Mike can see the heights of the buildings on the left side of Garnet town. Seem to be bigger and taller buildings than the other buildings in the middle and right side of Garnet town. Speaking of which, the right side of Garnet town seemed beaten up and broken down like it never had been repaired for weeks, even months.

"We're almost there. Fifteen minutes or so til we reached Garnet town harbour" Captain Mihai said.

Fifteen minutes later, the boat pulled into Garnet town harbour and came to a stop. Mike and Dusk could see the first citizens of Garnet town. There were a several people, all busy running the port. Some wore bandana while others wore tricorn hats. Their clothes were rather tattered and dirty, not really colorful. Some have Cavalry swords strapped to their waist while others have Cutlass swords. Mike can tell they’re pirates and the Garnet town harbour is their safe haven.

“Well we’re here. We would had arrived earlier but the bad weather had cause minor delays” Captain Mihai stated. But by looking at the pirates, he can tell that Garnet town isn’t much safe. In fact he knew very well about Garnet town. He starts to show concern for Mike and Dusk.

“Are you sure you two will be alright?” Captain Mihai asked “By the look of this place, I don’t think Garnet town isn’t much safe anymore. Well... it hasn’t been safe since the riot incident”

“There was a riot?” Mike asked as he and Dusk turned their attention to Captain Mihai.

“Yeah there was” Captain Mihai replied. “The riot incident happened three years ago” he explained “I don’t know how it started but there were flames everywhere, mostly around the right side of Garnet town”

“So that’s why the buildings were broken down? Why didn’t they repair the damage or better yet rebuild the buildings?” Mike asked.

“Well after the riots, there are two sides of Garnet town now” Captain Mihai replied. “On the right side of town is pretty much a rich side. Full of rich and wealthy people. One who controls that part of town is the mafia boss leader. I don’t know his name but... well... let’s say don’t get on his bad side” He explained. “Sometimes thieves tried to rob from the rich folk from time to time. Thieves, gangs, even murderers lived around the right side of Garnet town. The one who runs the right side of Garnet town is the gang leader named ‘Fish Hook’”

“’Fish Hook’? That’s an odd name for a gang leader” Mike muttered. “So I’m guessing both sides are at each other’s throats right?”

“Indeed they have” Captain Mihai replied.

Meanwhile at the Garnet town museum, a young woman emerged from the building, feeling disappointed. “Looks like they don’t have it displayed anymore” the girl muttered. She wore a green creeper hoodie with cat ears, blue shorts that barely reached passed her knees and she wore black converse. She also carried a blue backpack.

“It was displayed the last time I came here. Ah well, I’ll go to the Nether to find some nether stars” she said as she left the museum.

Little did she know that she was being watched by a couple of people hiding in the alley. They appear to be wearing dark red and gray uniforms and wore a badge that symbols a shape of a triangle with two smaller triangles. The one who stood behind them was taller and muscular. “Follow that girl” he spoke. “She knows something and I want to know why she’s looking for elemental crystals”

Back at the harbour, Captain Mihai had already started the boat and left the port, leaving Mike and Dusk as they have began their adventure. The air seemed warmer then colder biomes Mike had been through, not to mention the salty breeze rolling off the ocean. Mike had kept the silver compass in his pocket, knowing full well anyone could steal it, especially with the pirates, thieves and thugs around in areas of Garnet town. As they walked along the port, Mike saw a stone staircase, leading to the center of Garnet town. Dusk looked over at one of the pirate ships, amazed at the size of them. He wonders if someday he would board on one them and travel the seas and go fishing. Mike saw several pirates boarding onto a ship that was leaving port soon.

"I guess they have heard something interesting in the ocean" Mike thought.

Mike was so busy looking at the pirates that he bumped into one of pirates who was organizing the crates.

“Whoops, uhh... Sorry” Mike said.

The pirate turned round, facing Mike who was a little shocked to see the pirate he bumped into was a young woman. “No harm done there, mate” She replied.

Like most pirates, she wore a bandana which is red and white stripes, black sleeveless vest, ivory long sleeved shirt with a red armband and a white plus symbol, leather fingerless gloves. There were also two leather straps and a belt wrapped around her waist. One of those straps holds her Cutlass sword that seemed to be glowing purple a little because of the enchanted effect. She also wore black pants and shin high brown leather boots. She had reddish brown hair underneath her bandana and her eyes hazel.

"Haven't seen you around here. I'm Maya, and allow me to be the first person to say welcome to Garnet town" Maya said, extended her hand. Mike reached it in a firm handshake.

"Nice to meet you. Name's Mike and this little guy's name is Dusk" Mike replied. Maya looked down at Dusk who's waving at her in a friendly manner. She reached and patted his head.

"Cute little guy" Maya said as she smiled. "So what brings you two here in Garnet town? It's rare to have tourist coming here ever since the riots"

"Well Dusk and I came here to see the sights of the town. We also heard about a treasure that rest here" Mike explained.

"Many people heard rumors about the treasure being here in Garnet town" Maya replied. "You're not the first person who's looking for that legendary treasure. Many people tried finding the treasure but some gave up while the other well... died trying"

"Haven't you tried looking for the legendary treasure?" Mike asked.

"Nah, wouldn't even bother" Maya replied. "Who needs a legendary treasure when I can go out in the sea with the rest of the crew finding treasure to loot?"

Maya looked over to one of the pirates who was carrying a crate. "Hey, Alex make sure all the crates are accounted for" Maya said.

"Aye, aye" Alex replied. Maya then turn her attention to Mike and Dusk. "So yeah, I'm not into finding the legendary treasure. With a lot of rumors going on about, I'm not sure if the legendary treasure is real or not" Maya explained. "But if you two want to know more about the rumor, go and see Frank. He's the head librarian and knows pretty much anything about Garnet town's history"

"Head librarian? So he's at the library?" Mike asked. "Yes. The library is in the centre of Garnet town" Maya replied pointing at the stair way that was leading to the town. "Just walk upstairs and go straight ahead. You'll see the library from there"

"Okay, thanks" Mike said.

"Anytime, mate" Maya said with a smile. "Oh and be careful around the right side of town. Many trouble makers lives there"

While Mike and Maya were chatting, Dusk heard something near the town's entrance by the stairway. A scream for help.

"Hey! W-what do you want from me!? Leave me alone!" cried the female voice.

Dusk saw a young woman with snow white hair and a green creeper hoodie running in fear. Then she was hit by some sort of potion, a red potion. A potion of harming. She tripped and fall downstairs and onto the unforgiving stone ground. Mike and Maya turned their attention to what's going on and saw what Dusk was seeing.

The young woman got up and tried to run again but she felt a sharp pain in her leg and couldn't able to run. She looked behind her and gasp in fear when she saw her pursuers closing in on her, giving Mike a better look at the attackers.

The leader had a height of 6'4"and seemed to be muscular. He wore a grey helmet that had two pointy spikes covers top half of his head. Only his mouth can be seen. He wore a dark grey jacket, a combination of a blood red flight suit and body armor underneath, black gloves, dark grey pants and shin high armor grey boots. He also has a badge on his jacket that's a hexagon shape with a triangle shape with two smaller triangles on each side and a diamond shape that looked like a key hole.

Two of the smaller men wore dark red and grey camo uniforms, white boots and unlike their leader, they wore a grey hat and goggles so their faces is almost completely hidden.

"For the last time. I saw you left the museum when it was closed and you mentioned one of the artifacts wasn't displayed. I know you was looking for the elemental crystal so playtimes over girly! Tell me what you know right NOW!" the leader yelled.

"I've a-already told you! I was only looking at art!" the young woman cried.

“Ugh... Why do you have to be difficult? It would have been easier for you if you just answer my questions. But since you won’t cooperate...” the leader growled in annoyance. He paused for a moment to enjoy a hearty laugh. “Boys, we’re taking this girl to our head quarters for questioning!”

“As you command, Lord Magnus!” one of Magnus’ men replied.

Maya sighed as she was watching from a safe distance. “This is the forth time it happened this week” Maya muttered.

“What do you mean?” Mike asked.

“Well, here in Garnet town there’s always trouble going on. It’s not even safe to explore the town at night, and I’m not talking about creepers, zombies or skeletons. Trust me it’s not safe to be in the right side of Garnet town at night. To be honest, I felt sorry for the poor lass” Maya explained.

“So those guys are causing trouble in Garnet town?” Mike asked.

“I’ve never seen those guys before” Maya replied. “But judging by their uniforms, I’m guessing they’re part of some army or something. If I were you mate, I’d turned round and pretend I saw nothing. It’s best not to get involved”

Dusk, however couldn’t take seeing a young woman getting hurt by a group of thugs. He runs over to the stairway to at least help.

“Dusk, wait!” Mike shouted before following him. “Hey, what you doing!? You’re going to get yourselves killed!” Maya shouted. However, neither Mike nor Dusk heard a word she said.

Magnus and his followers advance on the young woman. “No! G-get away from me! I swear I’ll scream!” she shouted. Magnus laughed. “Go ahead. It’s not like any pirates would dare play the hero anyway” Magnus said.

The snow white haired girl turned and saw several pirates who were at a safe distance, watching but none dared to help.

“Someone please help me!!” she screamed. However, not a single pirate dared to make a move.

“See what I mean girly? They would never stick their nose in someone’s business!” Magnus said, pointed towards the pirates. What Magnus didn’t except, however, was Dusk standing in front of him, defending the young woman.

“Huh!? Where did that shrimp come from!?” Magnus exclaimed. Suddenly someone ran pass the young woman and jumped into the air. Magnus looked up and gasped as a silhouette flew through the air and landed a forearm punch right in the side of Magnus’ jaw, knocking him backwards. He rubbed the side of his face as he glared at the one who punched him, who happen to be Mike.

"And who the hell are you?" Magnus growled.

"Doesn't matter who I am, just leave the girl alone and walk away" Mike retorted. One of Magnus' men snickered.

"Oh look, we got ourselves a couple of tourist trying to be heroes" snickered one of Magnus' men. "What? Does everyone here thinks Dusk and I are tourist?" Mike thought.

"Well tourist or not, I won't let a punk like you interfere! Time for you to be in a world of hurt!" yelled Magnus. He reached in and pulled out a green colored potion. Mike's eyes widened behind his sunglasses, seeing what Magnus was about to do. "He's about to throw the poison potion!" Mike thought.

Thinking fast, Mike outstreched his hand and flakes of ice appeared out of nowhere, swirling into an ice ball in a palm of Mike's hand. Magnus threw the poison potion while Mike threw the ice ball, and when it struck the potion, it was suddenly engulfed in ice. Magnus and his men were stunned at the sight. Even the young woman was indeed utterly shocked. The frozen potion fall and shattered into peices without harming anyone with it's poison.

"Wait, what!? A cyro mage!?" Magnus exclaimed, surprised Mike can use ice magic. He then started laughing.

"What is he laughing about?" Mike thought.

"Well, well, I guess today is my lucky day! I thought all of the cyro mage are dead, but looks like there's one left alive!" Magnus laughed. His men reached for their swords but Magnus raised his hand. "I'll deal with this one myself. You boys hang back and enjoy the show!" Magnus reached for his war hammer which is made of iron with a symbol matching his badge.

"Okay... Well, I'm not a 'cryo mage' but if you want a fight...." Mike reached and pulled his ice sword from its sheath. "...You got a fight"  

Mike glared at Magnus as he gripped his sword in his hands a little tighter, preparing for his first battle he had in a while. "Not exactly how I want to start my morning but whatever" Mike thought.
This is the story based on the roleplay me and :iconmarchanmoon: have been doing for several months.

Mike and Dusk happen to find a silver compass and a old letter about a legendary treasure that sleeps in Garnet town and the silver compass is the key of finding that said treasure. So Mike and Dusk started their adventure by heading to Garnet town and find the legendary treasure but little did they know is that finding the treasure it not as easy as it sounds. They will be many obstacles and challenges waiting for these new found heroes. An adventure that will change many, many lives. So many places to travel, so many history to discover.

NOTE: There is going to be elemental power related involved (along with some powers I've made up) even most things based on Minecraft mods so be aware of that. Oh and I didn't mention this before but there will be many types of weapons too. Not just plain wooden, stone, iron, gold (which is useless) and diamond swords.


Part 1:
Part 2: You are here
Part 3:

Chapter 1:

Part 1:
Part 2:
© 2015 - 2024 CobaltGlacier
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